After the students played with this for a while, I started making a list on the board of all the sizes of rectangles they had made. Then I asked, which numbers of cubes can be made into more than one shape of rectangle? Above are two rectangles with 8 cubes and below are three rectangles with 12 cubes.
Next I introduced the idea of a factor by talking about the sizes of the rectangles and after some discussion we listed all the factors of 12 using the rectangles in the picture above.
After that, students made their own lists of all the factors of some numbers of their choosing. My assistant and I went around to their tables, asking if they were noticing anything. Using their results, we made a table on the board of all the factors of the numbers from 1 to 15 and talked about what they noticed.
Top on their list of noticings were: 1 is always a factor of every number and the number itself is always a factor. These were not obvious statements to my students. We discussed why each was true by talking about making a long skinny rectangle of 1 x __ for any number.
Next lesson is going to be about prime numbers, so I hope that their next noticing is that some numbers have a lot more factors than others.
Do you use multilink cubes in your lessons?
Hi Sarah,
I was chatting with one of the other teachers at Island School about doing something like this with our Year 8 class, so your post is perfectly timed. The questions and prompts towards the end have been duly noted!
Thanks for the ideas. Hope TTS is going well for you,