At the back of the room, near the back door, is this brilliant height chart, titled “Who Tall are You?” It’s the most popular place for students in my room. Sometimes when I go out for tea at break times, I’ll return to see some young people have slipped in and are crowding around it. Here’s a link to a good quality image of it. “I’m as tall as Beyonce!” one person squeals.
Every once in a while students will be as tall as someone they don’t know: some of the celebrities now seem a little dated (singer Charles Barkley, for instance) and others are just people my students haven’t heard of yet (such as Alexander Pope).
Since I bought it about five years ago I’m having trouble finding somewhere to buy another copy. But I was thinking today that students could make one of these for display. They could have one featuring their classmates (and teachers?) and heroes of their choice. I reckon my current classes would include more sports people than the original chart.
I’m as tall as George Clooney. If I was making a new chart I would be sure to include Jensen Button, since I am also the same height as him. If you know your height in centimetres, please leave a comment telling us “who-tall” you are!